West County Church Hosts ‘DINNER WITH THE DOCTOR’
/Pastor Wayne Kablanow speaks to guests about God's desire for us to be healthy. (Photo: Mary Schwantes)
Each quarter, the West County Church’s Health Team, directed by Lauren Clark Thompson and Leslie Olin, presents a vegan dinner for the community.
The guest speaker for this quarter was Pastor Wayne Kablanow, who ministers in the Better Living Center in Spokane, Washington. He shared answers about why Seventh-day Adventists focus so much on health.
The menu was suitable for picnicking and featured zucchini black bean sliders on whole wheat buns, a pasta salad and taco salad with vegan ranch dressing, and festive dried fruit balls for dessert.
For more than five years, nearly a dozen people from the community have been attending these health programs. Each guest receives a copy of Ellen White’s Ministry of Healing.