He Is Risen
/Our church embraced the theme, “He is Risen” during Easter weekend, April 15. A special appreciation to our Choir Director, Charito Pattichot, who coordinated and directed an outstanding musical program. The selection of songs had not only lovely arrangements but were also rich with meaningful lyrics telling the story of Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem, His feelings of isolation in Gethsemane, Mary's grief when witnessing the death of her Son, the sorrow of Jesus' followers when they laid Him in the tomb, and the culmination of Jesus resurrection and the gift it is to all!
Nancy Cowin did an outstanding job as pianist. The church also enjoyed pieces that featured the children’s choir and instrumental accompaniment of the guitar, violin, cello and drum. Pastor David Klinedinst did an excellent job reading the narration that took the church through the Easter story. Following the service refreshments and a lovely luncheon were provided.