Virgil Needs Our Help

Dear Church Family,

We need to pull together for Virgil and Angela.  

Virgil Franklin is still battling cancer.  He recently went back to the hospital.  In the mean time the rent on their apartment has been raised and they can't afford the increase.  They have to vacate by the end of July (basically, now).  They have spent this last week packing things up
to be able to move.

The bigger issue is with their bills and Virgil being unable to work their bills have piled up and they are unable to rent a new place because they are behind.  Angela has a job lined up that she'll be starting this week, but that means a paycheck won't be coming for 2-3
weeks.  So the need is now.  Today.

We need to raise $1,000 right away.  That's 50 of us - which is almost everyone reading this email to donate $20.  Here's the link.  

Next we need to get this couple on their feet.  We need enough of you  to pledge to give monthly to raise $500 a month for 2 months.  If you can spare $5, $10, $20 or even $50 we'll easily get this done.

If there are people willing to offer financial help just for 2-3 months,  giving some each month Virgil and Angela could bridge that time until they could get up and going.  They are currently reaching out to government agencies for help, but our church should be able to do as much or more for our own church family, don't you think?

They have a goFundMe set up already and everybody thinks somebody else is helping.  We are hoping to find enough people who could help for 2 months.  But any donation really can help.

Here's what to do:
- use the GoFundMe page to donate $20 right away - just click that link
- send an email to telling us of your future pledge, and 
  we'll remind you with follow up emails when it's time again to donate to meet
  your pledge
- we'll keep you informed as to the progress of this effort so that we don't loose
  focus on this

Let's pull together to help. 

Thank you! 

God bless.