An Opportunity to Witness

By Ron Clark

This past weekend we had the privilege of being with the Pathfinder group from the Academy on their campout. These are mostly 17 to 21 or so year old 'Academy' Students who have been introduced to and have voluntarily joined Pathfinders. We stayed on a compound which was our camp ground, and had an experience with one of the workers there that I just heard, "The Rest of the Story" about yesterday when I was back on the Nile Union Academy (NUA)Campus. Here is the experience:

I encountered Edmond,  a 26 year-old Christian - possibly Orthodox, Coptic, or Evangelical. He spoke practically no English, and my Arabic was no match! He asked one of the staff members, a 25 year-old young lady named, Mary, who works in the office at the Academy, and who also joined Pathfinders, to translate some questions that he had for me.

His question had to do with the Sabbath. "Where in the Injeel (the Arabic New Testament) does it talk about the Sabbath? I have never heard about this idea of the 7th day Sabbath." So, we talked. He listened. Mary translated. We knew it was a divine appointment but the number of distractions that came up and nearly broke up this moment we were having confirmed that reality even more so!

When we finished quoting the various scriptures it was obvious that Edmond was seriously interested in this question. So, he asked if I would be willing to write down the Biblical references that had been cited during our discussion time. Mary, who translated his request, volunteered to translate those written text references into Arabic if I would write them down in English. This was all transpiring last Sabbath afternoon. I prayed asking the Lord to help me reconstruct the scriptural recounting according to the best way for Edmond to have the Truth reinforced, and to not give him "too much" of an answer! (one of my many faults, like now!)

Eventually, the writing and the translation were completed and the copy given to Edmond. Mary wanted to keep the English copy. We had another very meaningful conversation before the weekend concluded and we left.

Yesterday, when I was at the NUA Campus, Mary told me that Edmond had called by phone to tell her that he had looked up all the texts that we had given him and that he was resolved to keep the 7th day Sabbath. He already has been studying with his sister. There is no Adventist presence or Church near the place where he lives and works, but he is resolved to share this truth with his friends, and hopes to have a small group joining him in the worship of our loving Creator and Redeemer on His Holy 7th day Sabbath every week, soon! Truly what Jesus said, and what Peter told Cornelius are so true! John 10:16 Acts 10:34,35