June 17th - 21st
6PM - 8PM
Thunder Island: Where Jesus is Always With Me
Ages 3-12
Kids will experience each day’s Bible lesson throughout all stations at Thunder Island VBS.
Opening Program – Start the day by introducing kids to the VBS songs, memory verse, and call and response. Kids will also watch a skit that introduces the daily theme.
Prayer Station – Kids will learn that they can always talk to God through different types of prayer.
Bible Story Station – Experience interactive Bible stories that bring each day’s Bible story to life.
Snack Station – Enjoy healthy and refreshing snacks that reinforce each day’s Bible story.
Craft Station – Kids show their creative side while learning more about the daily theme.
Game Station – Burn off extra energy while experiencing the Bible story in a new way.
Closing Program – Wrap up the day with more songs and skits. Kids will review what they learned and have a chance to make a difference by giving to our mission project.
Bible Stories
Day 1: Woman at the Well
Day 2: Man at the Pool of Bethesda
Day 3: Jesus’ Encounter with Zacchaeus
Day 4: Peter Denies Jesus Three Times
Day 5: Mary Goes to the Tomb
Watch here to learn more about VBS 2024!
Touch Base with our Team Leaders
Amber Shaus - Ballet_Rose@hotmail.com
Cathy Lofink - Cathy.Lofink@yahoo.com
“I give a new rule to you. Love one another. You must love each other as I have loved you. In this way, everyone will know you are my disciples. They know it if you really love each other.” ”